What follows here is an effort to provide an easily accessible central file of useful historical documents that are relevant to the management of Harbour Cove. I encourage others to submit items to me for inclusion. The original copies of these documents are in my possession.
Please click on the blue hyperlink text to open the documents and read them yourself.
1. Indian Land Grant by Her Majesty The Queen to National Trust Company Limited.
This is the 1959 agreement whereby 6 and 4/100 acres of the Kitsilano Indian Reserve #6 was transferred to the ownership of National Trust Company Limited for $280,000. This land eventually became the site of the Credit Union, Harbour Cove, and The Clipper. (As far as I have been able to determine, the Indian band had no involvement in this decision.
2. Prospectus of Pennyfarthing Development Corp. for Harbour Cove
On May 1, 1986, Pennyfarthing Development Corp. applied for an insurance policy to cover their new property. The nineteen documents attached to this application are legal descriptions and agreements that cover a myriad of details relevant to the management of Harbour Cove.
3. Here is the Index to the items listed above.
4. Settlement Agreement of Oct. 16, 1998
In the early 1990’s our Council decided to challenge the terms and conditions of the original contract between Pennyfarthing Developments and VR1291 regarding VR1291 responsibilities for the credit union parking spaces and Parcel F (Creekside Park). This resulted in the following agreement on Oct. 16, 1998, and a associated letter of explanation from the management firm of the day.
5. Architectural blueprints: 1986
This document provides detailed architectural drawings for the entire building, including the size of every suite, in square meters. To convert to square feet, multiply the square meters by 10.7639.
6. How Harbour Cove Assessments are Distributed to Strata Lots
The operating budget for Harbour Cove is not distributed evenly between all three phases and the Co-op. This is the earliest example I have found of how to calculate that distribution.
7. Introducing the “New” Harbour Cove to the Public: circa 1986
This is a copy of the original glossy publication that advertised Harbour Cove: “One Of Vancouver’s Unique Waterfront Properties.” It is undated but from the photographs and the text one can surmise it was published in 1986 or slightly after.
8. From the National Harbours Board to the Vancouver Port Authority
Up until 1983, all agreements regarding the use of what became known as Parcel F (Creekside Park) were co-signed by the National Harbours Board. The name of this agency has changed many times over the years but the agreements carried forward. This is the chronology of these changes from 1936 to the time of this writing, March of 2019.